9/11, Tuesday, September 11th, 2001

Früher Morgen, New York, 11. September 2001

Early morning, Tuesday, September 11th, 2001

I woke up early on Tuesday – before seven o‘clock. My brother and I had breakfast in the stern of the boat. Viewing Manhattan. The morning was calm, the day promised to be hot and the weather excellent.




I wanted to meet my step-brother Steve, in Manhattan. We had not agreed on a time and place yet, but had an arrangement to call by 10.00 a.m.

The sun rising between the World Trade Center towers, September 11th, 2001

Joachim went to work. I sat down with a book on deck until the sun was too hot.
Then I went into the cabin, maybe around a quarter past eight. Lying down with the my book so that I could see the blue sky through the top hatch. The boat was rocking gently.
I read for a little while and fell asleep for a short time. The phone rang. Steve and I had a chat about the plans for the day. We discussed where we could meet and which subway I should take. I wanted to smoke a cigarette. With the phone in my hand, I climbed onto deck.

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001

First I saw a cloud in the south, shaped like a cigar. Turning my head I saw that the cloud ended at the World Trade Center and realized that it had started there. “The Towers are burning.” The people on the surrounding boats were looking towards Manhattan. The couple on the nearby boat had a television. They said, it was terrorists with airplanes, both towers had been hit, no accident – an attack.

Steve was ok but we didn´t meet up this summer.

Die Katastrophe, New York, 11. September 2001

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001

The towers smoldered, behind some of the windows it seemed to be burning. Parts of the facade were falling off. The sky was bright blue.

The South Tower collapsed with a dark rumbling sound. The most evil sound I‘ve ever heard in my life. The collapse continued.


When it died down, a cloud spread out the streets, covering the surrounding houses, covered the lower part of Manhattan. Radiating stunned disbelief.

The South Tower was gone. The North Tower stood alone in a cloud of dust, steel and smoke. The North Tower stood smoldering. The situation seemed to ease.

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001

Dull and grinding the North Tower collapsed. A column of smoke formed the silhouette in the sky.
Then the cloud swallowed Manhattan.





Manhattan disappeared in an apocalyptic cloud and took the 20th century with it.

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001

A steady fresh breeze pushed dust and smoke from the streets to the south into the port of New York. The twin towers had dominated the skyline. The other buildings are high, but there is no comparison, none scrape the sky.

Sonnenuntergang, New York, 11. September 2001

Gradually the skyline showed its new contours.

The sky was cloudless. The sun set, painting Manhattan in a golden and reddish light, leaving a deep exhausted perplexity, anger, grief and despair.

My brother returned late, the streets still blocked, traffic jams and street controls. Continuing reports, pictures, interviews on TV. Soon they were talking about the names of suspects, speculating on their motives, numbers of victims and possible consequences. Something had come to an end, no one knew what had begun or what would happen.

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, Flickr

“A Week in September 2001“, the English Version as a free eBook in the Apple iBookstore

“Eine Woche im September 2001“, die deutsche Version ist als kostenloses eBook im Apple iBookstore erhältlich

9/11, Monday, September 10th, 2001

Monday, September 10th, 2001

We had breakfast together, then my brother went off to work. Monday, September, 10th.

I spent the whole day on the boat, lying in the hammock between mast and fore sail. Cooking, eating, relaxing below deck. A day of leisure, recovering from work, a break in life.

Monday, September 10th, 2001


The Towers above the clouds: In retrospect the clouds appear threatening. On September 10th they were simply a picturesque scene.

Monday, September 10th, 2001

Just the ordinary start of a week.
A quiet afternoon.
The last Monday.



Monday, September 10th, 2001, Flickr

“A Week in September 2001“, the English Version as a free eBook in the Apple iBookstore

“Eine Woche im September 2001“, die deutsche Version ist als kostenloses eBook im Apple iBookstore erhältlich

9/11, Sunday, September 9th, 2001

Sunday, September 9th, 2001

On our way back we met cruise liners launching for the Bermudas. We sailed past Manhattan, the illuminated skyscrapers, past the World Financial District and its matching marina. Elegant boats, some with helicopters on the quarterdeck.

Sunday, September 9th, 2001

Sunday, September 9th, 2001, Flickr

“A Week in September 2001“, the English Version as a free eBook in the Apple iBookstore

“Eine Woche im September 2001“, die deutsche Version
ist als kostenloses eBook im Apple iBookstore erhältlich

9/11, Saturday, September 8th, 2001

Saturday, September 8th, 2001

During that time my brother lived on a boat in the harbor of New York. It was moored to Liberty Landing Marina, on the other side of the Hudson River opposite the World Financial Center, Downtown Manhattan. Friday, late afternoon, Joachim met me at Newark airport. September 7th 2001. I wanted to spend a week with him. We were going to sail. I wanted to go shopping in Manhattan, enjoy the time, the good weather and late summer. The plan was fantastic – the prospects were bright.

Saturday, September 8th, 2001

On the weekend we went sailing. Past Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, right underneath the Verrazano Bridge, onto the open ocean. Then up to Ambrose Lighthouse, which was the point where Atlantic crossings used to be timed, on the American side for purposes of judging “Blue Ribbon” awards for the fastest ocean liners.

Saturday, September 8th, 2001, Flickr

“A Week in September 2001“, the English Version
as a free eBook in the Apple iBookstore
“Eine Woche im September 2001“, die deutsche Version
ist als kostenloses eBook im Apple iBookstore erhältlich

stern.de “Der Tag, der unsere Welt veränderte”

stern.de Der 11. September 2001: Der Tag, der unsere Welt veränderte schreibt:

“Was für eine Tragödie. Viele Fotos der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 haben sich tief in unser kollektives Gedächtnis eingebrannt. Vor dem 10. Jahrestag zeigen wir hier eine Auswahl.”

stern.de eröffnet die Fotoserie mit meinem Bild des Sonnenaufgangs:

“New York, am Morgen des 11. September 2001. Das Wetter ist traumhaft, die Sonne blinzelt hinter dem Südturm des World Trade Centers hervor. Aufgenommen hat das Foto der Deutsche Reinhard Karger, der mit der “Manitou”, dem Segelboot seines Bruders, in der “Liberty Landing Marina” ankerte. Karger erinnert auch auf seiner eigenen Seite an diesen so epochalen Tag.”

Und endet mit meinem Foto des Sonnenuntergangs des 11. Septembers:

“Die gleiche Perspektive, dasselbe Motiv, eine andere Welt. Reinhard Karger hat auch am Abend des 11. September 2001 fotografiert, wieder von Bord der “Manitou” aus. Auf seiner Webseite ruft er Menschen heute dazu auf, von ihren Erlebnissen an jenem Tag zu berichten.”

stern.de, 5. September 2011, 14:45 Uhr

Herzlich möchte ich mich bei stern.de für die Verwendung der Fotos bedanken. Der Sonnenaufgang zeigt einen unschuldigen Spätsommermorgen – der Sonnenuntergang ratlose Verzweiflung!

“Der letzte Sonnenaufgang” im stern

Der stern druckt mein Foto “Der letzte Sonnenaufgang” in Nr. 36, 1.9.2011, S. 34-35:

Und schreibt: “Der deutsche Segler Reinhard Karger macht dieses Foto, als die Sonne hinter den Zwillingstürmen erstrahlt”.

Das Foto “Der letzte Sonnenaufgang, 11. September 2001” (1280×837, Fotonachweis: Reinhard Karger) steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell 3.0 Unported Lizenz.
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag

Fotofilm ”Eine Woche im September 2001 | A week in September 2001”

Eine Woche im September 2001 | A week in September 2001

Der 11. September 2001, ein Dienstag, ist ein Tag, an den sich jeder erinnert. Und jeder weiß, wo er gewesen ist und wie er von den Anschlägen in den USA erfahren hat. Ich war in New York auf dem Segelboot meines Bruders, wollte den Spätsommertag in Manhattan verbringen, aber dazu ist es nicht mehr gekommen. Es war früher Vormittag in Amerika, als die World Trade Center kollabierten.

September 11th 2001 is a day that everybody remembers, a Tuesday. And everybody knows where he was, when he heard about the attacks in the USA. I was in New York on my brother´s sailing yacht, was looking forward spending the late summer day in Manhattan, but it never happened. It was morning in America, when the World Trade Center collapsed.

Wo warst Du am 11. September? Where were you on September 11th?

Die Fotos sind in der Zeit 08.-16. September 2001 entstanden. Die meisten wurden von Bord des Segelboots “Manitou” aufgenommen, das zu diesem Zeitpunkt in der “Liberty Landing Marina” lag (Google Maps).

“Dieser Film ist gewidmet den Opfern und Überlebenden des 11. September.”
“This movie is dedicated to the victims and survivors of September 11th.”

Fotos & Musik & Copyright: Reinhard Karger (Garage Band Loops)
Scans: Heinz Olson, informDTP


Meine Woche im September 2001

Mein Bruder wohnte zu der Zeit auf einem Segelboot im Hafen von New York. Sein Boot lag in der Liberty Landing Marina, auf der anderen Seite des Hudson, gegenüber des World Financial Center, Downtown Manhattan. Für eine Woche wollte ich ihn auf seinem Boot besuchen. Wir wollten segeln. Ich wollte in Manhattan einkaufen, die Zeit, das gute Wetter, den warmen Spätsommer genießen. Die Aussichten waren blendend.

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